Author Archives: Emily Davis

Your Summer PD Plans

Over the past four years together, we’ve built a thriving community of educators who are committed to supporting each other. As Dr. Jill Biden said in her powerful keynote address, “We don’t do this because it is easy. We do it because we love it.” We do it to support the success of every student in […]

June Book Club Starts Today! We’re Reading “Educated by Design”

We’re thrilled to share that today marks the start of our second month-long #BetterTogetherCA Book Club! Back in March, California teacher Angela Barnett led our first slow chat on the book “Kids Deserve It.” In case you missed it, check out the recap from our March Book Club here and the recap from our Twitter Chat with the book’s co-author Adam Welcome […]

#BetterTogetherCA Book Club Recap – March 2019 – “Kids Deserve It”

@TechieClassical Christyn, Winchester, 3rd grade #BetterTogetherCA @MrsBarnett_Tchr I’m Angela a 3rd grade T from SoCal and am beyond grateful to be a part of the first #BetterTogetherCA Book Club! Super excited to read #KidsDeserveIt and hear what everyone has to share… @MsVillegas11 Crystal Chavez here, Virtual teacher with @CompassCs I teach k-5th grade ELA . […]

#BetterTogetherCA Book Club Begins Today!

Knowing that teachers truly are better together, our goal is to provide new offerings to connect and inspire California’s teachers. That’s why we’re so excited to launch our first ever #BetterTogetherCA book club today! California teacher Angela Barnett sparked the idea at one of our recent Twitter chats, and we also solicited feedback from our incredible network of teachers to help turn […]

Empowering Educators of Color

Through our Better Together Network, we host activities that continue to connect, inspire, and elevate teachers. This past academic year, through a Better Together grant in partnership with the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities (AICCU), Santa Clara University hosted an “Empowering Educators of Color” professional development opportunity. Below is a reflection on the […]

Create Boldly – Bryan Sanders

When veteran teacher, Bryan Sanders, stepped onto the stage to give his EdTalk at Loyola Marymount University, he thought he knew what to expect. Since 1997, Bryan has stood in front of classroom after classroom in Santa Monica and now Culver City, Calif., where he works to inspire his students and peers to “create boldly.” […]

Give students choice in the classroom

Choice. We all want the freedom and power to choose what and how we learn. Because we know ourselves better than anyone else. The Better Together: California Teachers Summit, a free statewide day of learning, embraces the notion of choice – for teachers and students alike. Nothing is pre-determined beforehand. You choose what topics you […]